Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shame on ......

Here are some cars parking very close to the bike path near me...

Tag N35 2FG just in case it is hard for you to see.....please note the signage. That is a no parking anytime sign with arrows pointing left and right.
I wonder what part of "no parking anytime" they can't figure out?
Maybe the local police should remind them? 

Tag M88 0LZ same notes as above.....

Tag 654  551 Rhode Island...thanks for errodeing the soil in and around one of our few bike paths here in Lake County.....THANKS!

Taken today.....about 6pm Sunday evening 25 May 2014.
Here the rear quarter panel of the above Saturn Vue from RI. 
I wonder how that car next to the eatery got there today?
Did it drive over the bike path I ask?

Last one today..... Can you see the car tires driving on the bike path?
Please leave a comment anytime.

I will be posting fun posts in the future. 
I feel cars and trucks driving over one of our few bike paths is a serious problem, the path is errodeing faster, causing a safety hazard, LETS SEE IF SOME LIGHT OF DAY shed on this problem will help get us to a solution. 
Some more can enjoy Bicycling Central Florida 